Mosaics of a Bygone Era

Edged in royal blue
and mustard ceramic tile
is this mosaic
symbol of a bygone era.

Nile green, lemon yellow,
and light sapphire blue tiles
form an intricate pattern
consisting of curlicues and flowers
just like ornate jewelry.
In the soft light
of midnight
the portrait appears as
faded turquoises and yellow.

In the train station of the ages
the mosaic walls
below bright domed ceilings
supported by dark wooden beams
give an impression of airiness.

However, the faded mosaic
bleached out wooden benches and dark beams
dispel the notion of bon vivant vibrancy.
Instead ~ the impression made
is of a sad and useless mendicant.
Waiting for someone to turn out the lights.

© 1999 by Rosemary Winters Tracey


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